Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Meat Loaf Lady Rises

So, it's been a while, huh?

Hi ya kids! I believe that a two year hiatus is long enough. A little bit of catch up, and then I will move on! 

We lost our house, hubby's job, my family, and now we are rebuilding. I don't want to get into all of the details, but so far we are surviving. The boys are doing great! Izzy is now 6 and talking up a storm and Tiernan is 3 and STILL an evil maniacal genius in the works! 

Now that things are so different, I want to approach this blog in a different way.  

Recently I have had to visit a couple of local Food Pantries for assistance. If you are not familiar with these, make yourself familiar! When a family or individual is without food, they can search out a local Food Pantry and grab a bag of "staples" that will help them get through. You have no idea how much hope this restored for me this week when we had absolutely NOTHING! This is a wonderful charity offered by several churches and community groups, so seek them out if you are in need. Generally you can only visit them on a limited basis, but trust me, you will be able to get by, and with two kids that is truly the most wonderful feeling in the world to know that there is a way to get through the tough times. These are wonderful charitable opportunities as well. When we get back on our feet, it will be a weekly gift to myself to donate whatever I can to them just to offer the kind of relief I felt to someone else.

After my visit, it occurred to me that if I had just received a bag of flour and sugar, oh the things I could make for weeks to come. 


BREAD, period.

One thing I would truly love to do is to offer a free class to those who would like to learn to make their own breads and pastries, and offer bags of flour, sugar, and yeast in the Food Pantries, so that there is always something filling in the cupboard.  

Also I would love to offer a free class for people who want to make the staples they receive turn into really yummy food. For instance: A can of Chili, a can of Corn, a leftover Black Bean Burger, some Hot Sauce, Spices and Rice and you can make...
an incredible dinner for four!

If you don't have tortillas, just slice some stale bread, super thin,spray with cooking spray or butter or a little oil, sprinkle with cumin, garlic, paprika and a hit of cayenne and...
it is a meal!

So, now that I have rediscovered my blog, I am going to try some new things. I'll try to budget the cost of each recipe. I will also try to offer some helpful tips on leftovers..really you would be surprised at what you can breathe new life into just by dashing in this or mixing in that! I'm just going to try some new things!

Thanks for reading, and ENJOY!

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